The Abri Peyrony (also known as the Haut de Combe-Capelle) is located at the base of the cliff approximately 50 meters upstream from Roc de Combe-Capelle and nearly directly upslope from Combe-Capelle Bas. The site was first test by Landesque in 1885. It was then excavated by D. Peyrony in 1925 and published in a brief report. The site contained two thin archaeological levels resting directly on the bedrock. The upper level consisted of a brown-red sediment similar to that found on the plateau above the site. The lower level was described as grey in color and concretionated. An abundant stone tool assemblage collected by Peyrony and added to by a series collected from the backdirt by P. Fitte clearly placed the industry in the Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA). It included small cordiform handaxes, scrapers, notched pieces, and Levallois flakes. The fauna consisted of mostly bovids and some Equus, deer, reindeer, fox, wolf and cave lion.