Soon after we published our excavations at Fontéchevade, we put the database on this website. However, after some revisions to the website, the link to the database went away.
Recently I decided to redo the database in the newer format that I use. The database was in Microsoft Access. I have now ported it to SQLite.
In making this effort, I took the opportunity to do some additional cleaning of the data. It wasn't much actually, but it means that this database differs in small ways from the previous Access database.
I would strongly recommend using this new version of the database going forward. As I find additional issues, I will clean this version.
If you publish these data, please cite the following publications:
2009. Chase, Philip G., André Debénath, Harold L. Dibble, and Shannon P. McPherron. The Cave of Fontéchevade: A New Investigation of the Site and Its Paleoanthropological Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2009. Chase, P., A. Debénath, H. Dibble, and S. McPherron. “Introduction to the 1994–1998 Excavations.” In The Cave of Fontéchavade: Recent Excavations and Their Paleoanthropological Implications, edited by P. Chase, A. Debénath, H. Dibble, and S. McPherron, 28–62. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reading SQLite
The following code demonstrates how R can be used to read the
Fontéchevade SQLite database for plotting and analysis.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE)
Read the tables from the database into dataframes. Then merge the
context and xyz tables together, and merge the lithics and context
tables (so that Layer becomes part of the lithics table). Note that an
example is not given here for the smallfinds, but the table is opened
anyway here for example.
con = DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "data/fc.sqlite")
context = dbReadTable(con, "fc.context") %>%
select(-unit, -idno)
xyz = dbReadTable(con, '') %>%
mutate(squid = squid_id)
lithics = dbReadTable(con, "fc.lithics") %>%
mutate(squid = squid_id)
smallfinds = dbReadTable(con, "fc.small_finds")
fc = join(context, xyz, by = c('squid'), type = 'right')
lithics = join(lithics, context, by = c('squid'), type = 'left')
Make a plot of the location of the items in the database using only
Suffix = 0 points.
plot(fc$x[fc$suffix == 0], fc$y[fc$suffix == 0], asp = 1, main = 'Fontéchevade', xlab = 'X', ylab = 'Y', xlim = c(-200, 100), ylim = c(-200, 100))

Provide a breakdown of the basic types of lithics in the
kable(table(Dataclass = lithics$dataclass))
2084 |
119 |
249 |
37 |
9 |
134 |
10 |
57 |
47 |
876 |
26 |
The Admin site allows direct access to the database tables and is available only
to authenticated users. If you are part of the Fontéchevade reseach team, contact
Shannon McPherron to obtain database credentials.
If you have credentials, click here to enter the admin site.