
The site of Fontéchevade, excavated during the middle part of this century, is well known for its two hominid cranial fragments and their associated stone tool industry. Both the fossils and the lithics have played important roles in the history of paleoanthropological research: the former providing strong evidence for the "presapiens" model of Pleistocene hominid evolution, and the latter becoming the type collection for the Tayacian, an industry represented in many Paleolithic sites throughout the Old World. New excavations, which took place from 1994 until 1998, were designed to shed more light on the archaeological context of the hominid remains and the nature of the Tayacian itself. We excavated the site from 1994 to 1999. In 2007 we published new dates for the fossil hominins in the Journal of Human Evolution [download PDF], and we published a summary of our findings in PaleoAnthropology [download PDF]. In 2009 the monograph was published by Cambridge University Press. The database is now available here as well.