Kadar Data

There are two series of data files:

DataBases in Windows Access format are compatible with the PLOT program available here.

Databases can be accessed by clicking on the data base name:

Each data base includes xyz files and context files.

The XYZ files:

Provenience information contained in the xyz files include:
Site identification (Kadar)
Unit, identifies the 4mx4m excavation unit as designated on the maps above.
Id, a four digit number assigned to each artifact in the field as they were coded and removed.( Note: In the KIW and KII files Id's are one to three digits consecutive numbers within each unit In the KIE the unit number is included in the four digit id ).
Y: South>North distance from the datum point (Y coordinate) in cm.
X: West>East distance from the datum point (X coordinate) in cm.
Z: Elevation (Z coordinate) distance below the aerial photograph benchmark, in cm.

The context files:
They include, Site, Unit, Id and the artifact type (blade, flake, core, scraper, burin etc...) to produce maps of the spatial distribution of different types of artifacts.

Files in Excel format include besides the artifact type (blade, flake, buin, scraper etc...) the artifact condition (complete, broken, base or tip fragment etc...) and series of descriptive, metrical attributes. Fragments and chips measuring less than 1.5cm are not included in the excel files. Metrical attributes ( in millimeters) are as follows :
length - maximum dimension measured from the point of impact on the striking platform ;
width - measured at the half point of the length axis,
thickness- taken at the same point as width;
platform width- maximum dimension of the striking platform along the width axis;
platform thickness - dimension of the striking platform perpendicular to the platform width.

Note: Measurements were taken in the field lab Records were then transferred to computer files at the University of Kansas where the original field notes are archived.

Excel files can be accessed by clicking on the file name.