
The OldStoneAge web site was the idea of Shannon McPherron and Harold Dibble. They wanted a way to organize and share the work they had been doing over the years at a number of Paleolithic sites into a single research group.

Dibble died in 2018. In his time, Dibble built a large team of colleagues, and today we are working to complete and publish the unfinished OSA projects. In particular, we are finishing the Pech de l'Azé IV Layer 8 excavations. This is an NSF funded project to investigate the fire features at the base of the Pech IV sequence using micro-excavation techniques conducted in the lab. In addition we are working to publish the Roc de Marsal an La Ferrassie monographs, to publish a final report on the Grotte de Contrabandiers excavations, and to produce a paper and data set to summarize the his glass experiments.

If you have any questions about this web site, you can direct them to Shannon McPherron. If you have any questions about the projects covered here, you can contact any of the members of the teams listed on the respective project pages.